Integrative Wellness
- Acupuncture Session
- Uterine & Abdominal Therapy
- Fire Cupping Therapy
- Trauma Touch Therapy
- TeleMedicine
- Placenta Encapsulation
Acupuncture Session
Each acupuncture session includes Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis, Functional Medicine analysis, cupping therapy, and acupuncture to help reset the central nervous system.
A perfect way to regulate stress, promote circulation, and balance the mind, body, and spirit. Personalized recommendations of self care, movement, dietary counseling, herbs/ supplements, and any additional diagnostic testing are included to best optimize your health and wellness as you progress in your treatment plan.
Uterine & Abdominal Therapy
Uterine & Abdominal Therapy includes fascial and energetic visceral manipulation, along with acupuncture around your uterine, abdominal, sacral and other restricted areas of the body.
Guided breathing, visualization and connection with the womb is emphasized during the treatment. A personalized dietary, herbal and supplement recommendations are included to achieve your goals for fertility, reproductive health maintenance, postpartum recovery, chronic digestive problems, trauma/ womb healing and athletic recovery.
Fire Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy is an ancient technique used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to detox, reduce inflammation and pain. The goal is to promote healing in the fascia, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints.
Cupping utilizes negative pressure techniques to enhance blood circulation to allow nutrients to enter and waste to leave stagnated areas of the body. It is great for respiratory health, digestion issues, muscle strains, sports training, and prenatal mothers. You will walk away with some temporary cupping marks that will disappear as your body continues to self heal.
Trauma Touch Therapy
Trauma Touch Therapy happens in conjunction with psychotherapy sessions where one may be working through sexual, emotional abuse, violence, birth or any kind of trauma healing. Goal is to reconnect with the sensations of the physical body in a safe, gentle, consensual and empowering manner.
Through Trauma Touch Therapy, one will gain tools to recognize how trauma and emotions show up in their own bodies, and tune into the senses and needs somatically to regulate the nervous system. Developing awareness, reintegration, along with the release of trauma and emotions held in the tissues.
Each TeleMedicine session includes Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and Functional Medicine analysis. Personalized self care, movement, dietary counseling, additional diagnostic testing, and evaluation will be recommended.
Custom herbal and supplement formulas will be prescribed to best optimize your health and wellness as you progress in your treatment plan in the comfort of your own home. This service is provided nationwide.
Placenta Encapsulation
Placenta is prepared in a Traditional Chinese Medicine slow baked method, then grounded finely and encapsulated. Placentas have known to help increase milk production, decrease the severity of postpartum depression, and enhance postpartum recovery.
- Acupuncture
- Uterine & Abdominal Therapy
- Fire Cupping
- Trauma Touch Therapy
- Telemedicine
- Placenta Encapsulation
Request an appointment with Dorian Lam here or contact us to schedule a phone consultation regarding services at Awaken Remedies.